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Welcome to PokerTH! Online poker with the best open source texas holdem poker game and a great community.

PokerTH Image

Steps to install:

  1. Click to Download the appropriate PokerTH installer from the following links:

      For Windows: Windows_OS Image

      For MacOS: Mac_OS Image

      For Linux: Linux_OS Image
  2. Run the installer. If you use Linux, you can also more simply install PokerTH from your terminal with the following command: sudo apt install pokerth
  3. Setting up the PokerTH server connection:
    1. In Settings, click Configure PokerTH
    2. In the left side menu click on Internet Game
    3. Check Manual Server Configuration then enter the information as follows:
      • Server Address:
      • Server Port: 7234
    4. Click OK
  4. Configuring your avatar
    1. In Settings, click Configure PokerTH
    2. In the left side menu click on Nicks/Avatars
    3. Click on the empty square below "Human Player" to select an avatar of your choice. You can also use the avatars offered by Metanef, downloadable here: Metanef Avatars
    4. Change your nickname in the text field just below
    5. Click OK
  5. Play
    1. In the main PokerTH interface, click on 2 Internet Game
    2. To create a new poker game, click on Create Game. To join a poker game, click on Join Game